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Captario Presents Keynote in Munich for WHY Summits’ Global Project Management, Portfolio Strategy


Matthew Kokkonen, Captario’s Strategic Account Management Director, and Tessa Dronkers, one of Captario’s top data analysts, delivered the keynote this week at the Munich edition of WHY Summits World Tour.

Keynote: A Day in The Life Managing Uncertainty

For years the industry is shifting from slow and often massive effort driven to consolidate, analyze, inform, and react to project and portfolio management strategy and project management. Captario is a game changer. Like significant advancements in the past from slide rule to calculator, typewriter to personal computer… Captario SUM isn’t just making deep analysis more accessible and dynamic, it’s making it easier and faster. Captario is inverting the balance of work from significant time spent preparation to significant time analyzing and making strategy work more like play than ever before. The presentation will illuminate a theoretical ‘day in the life’ of an analyst, perhaps this is your life or a member of your team’s life. We will demonstrate how technology is able to effectively enable business processes and achieve cutting edge insights making your organization more nimble and open doors to possibilities you likely have never had before.

Key agenda topics and Captario’s supporting solutions:

  • The best practice case studies on value added medicines opportunities and how it evolves to mature portfolio management organizations.

  • What is the role of project management in different levels of maturity of ppm in different organizations?

  • How to prioritize projects, what methodologies to use for risk and decision analysis?

  • Building a top-notch alliance network, working with behavior of internal stakeholders in project portfolio management.

  • Considering factors for being a day 1 or first to market with complex generics and combination products.

  • Working with innovation, utilizing internal cooperation to ensure successful product launch, considering IP strategies for generics and biosimilars, working with mature products, working with emerging markets.

Attended by more than 30 speakers across 28 case studies, panel discussions, workshop sessions, and keynote presentations designed to find industry trends, benchmark your work, and learn new strategies, we are thrilled to have headlined this event.


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